Aerial view of downtown Iowa City, including the Pentacrest, University of Iowa campus, and the Iowa River. First postcard sent from Mrs. Werner to Gladys Ruth Ownby, postmarked April 3, 1951, George Washington 1-cent stamp. Second postcarrd sent…
Future site of parking ramp downtown. Businesses pictured on South Dubuque Street 100-Block: J.C. Penney's, Iowa movie theatre, Piper's Candies, Blackstone Beauty Salon. Slide printed March 1972.
Aerial view of downtown Iowa City,including parts of University of Iowa campus. Buildings include East Hall Annex on the left and Close Hall on the right. First postcard sent from E.E. [Coah] to Bert [Coah], postmarked April 10, 1916, Ben Franklin…
Aerial view of downtown Iowa City. Identified buildings include old City Hall building, demolished in 1962. First postcard sent from Lida and Mrs. McWilliams to Mrs. A.B. Thompson, postmarked November 1, 1915, George Washington 1-cent stamp. …