Part One: Love Potion. The year is 1895, and love comes to the carnival. Sideshow barker William Deerfoot married his snake charmer sweet-heart Frances Jackett. For eighteen years, they hitched their wagons together
Brothers and sisters! It is time once again to visit that dark pit of crimes historical and transgressions allegorical; to trespass back in time to uncover the original (and the not so original) sins of Iowa's forefather's and mothers. Can I get an…
First regular meeting place of Iowa City Masonic Lodge #4, 1843, which was then Missouri Lodge #63, and the site of the formation of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Iowa of Ancient Free & Accepted Masons, January 1844. Northeast corner of Clinton and…
The location of the Johnson County Savings Bank at the time of this postcard was at 102 South Clinton Street, on the southeast corner of Clinton and Washington Streets. Postcard sent to Carrie McCrory, postmarked July 15, 1914. George Washington…