The 1911 City Directory lists Owen & Graham laundry at 213 East Iowa Avenue. The men’s names were C. Roy Owen and A. B. Graham. C. Roy Owen resided at 507 South Dodge Street, and his wife was named Frances. The same directory lists Albert B. Graham…
Near Joetown, Iowa, 1950s. This school was moved to Ivan Wagner's farm, but after their house burned in the 1980s, somebody else acquired the school. Ivan Wagner also sold the bell on the top of the school.
Washington Street looking west from near Gilbert Street, downtown Iowa City. Original City Hall building on the far right of photograph. Postcard sent to Ruth Corneliusson, postmarked September 5, 1914. George Washington 1-cent stamp.
The Jefferson Building is located at 129 East Washington Street. It was built in 1913. Postcard sent to Katie Reis, postmarked March 4, 1916. George Washington 1-cent stamp.
In the 1910 Census, Paul Korab is listed at 729 North Linn Street and had a wife named Marie and a son named Edward. He was born in 1858 and was a cashier at the Iowa City State Bank, which was at the corner of Clinton and College Streets.
View of the pedestrian mall in downtown Iowa City, finished in 1978, with a focus on the fountain at the corner of Dubuque and College St. Subscribers paid one dollar for each brick in the fountain.
Pedestrian Mall and fountain. Dated August 1980. This photo features the fountain informally called "Three Women Peeing," an unnamed sculpture created by Bob Satter and Brian Gutheinz. It was a tubular fountain on stepped brick platform, made with…